Friday, March 27, 2009

Best Services

Many children with autism can show significant improvement with the right intervention at the right time. If you read through the two recommended lessons at the top, you will probably now know of resources you can contact for assistance. Many countries around the world provide services for children with autism. Academicians and service providers in the UK and Australia as well as many other countries have and continue to do great research and provide great service to children with autism and their families. If you are not able to locate resources, please click here and let me know where you are looking for services for and I will attempt to find them for you.

The best services will provide support to the child care center when applicable, and training and support directly to the parents and other family members.


amber said...

Is this where the IEP comes into play? Is it possible to set up an IEP with out the child there?

emma.m said...

Can u recommen any in ireland?

CR Petersen said...

I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about services in Ireland. If you go here though you can learn a lot about what to look for.

Connie said...

How early in age can a child be diagnosed with autism?

CR Petersen said...

That is an interesting question. It is unusual but sometimes as early as 6 months.

Misty said...

I think it's great that there are more and more resources becoming available in all areas and new studies learned to be able to help a teacher in the classroom, neighbor, friend and parent to better educate themselves and that you are able to help provide the links and recommendations to look for such items.

Shantelle Fredrickson said...

Is play therapy a good source of autism services?

CR Petersen said...

If you are talking about Dr. Solomon's P.L.A.Y. then for the right child with a well trained therapist and parental participation, then yes, it is an excellent service. Not all children are the same and the intervention needs to fit the child and family and needs to be provided with fidelity.

charmaine said...

I think this is a great course to take these hildren need to be included in dayhomes/dayares and understood traing or understanding of these children will make it much easier to help them suceed in childcare enters (charmaine)